Initiatives to Promote Women, Peace and Security

In Japanese

International Cooperation Map (2023.6~2024.11)

What is Women, Peace and Security (WPS)?

In 2000, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) on Women, Peace and Security (WPS), which recognized that women and girls are disproportionately affected in conflict.

UNSCR 1325 also reaffirmed the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peace-building, and stressed the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of international peace and security.

In 2015, Japan adopted its first National Action Plan (NAP) to implement UNSCR 1325. The action plan has been since revised, and the initiatives are currently progressing in line with the third NAP, which was adopted in April 2023.

The Ministry of Defense (MOD) has been conducting various initiatives to promote active participation of women, and has also undertaken international activities such as UN peacekeeping operations and large-scale disaster response while contributing to WPS.

The MOD and the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) will further strengthen its initiatives to promote WPS and contribute to implementation of the NAP as well as international peace and stability.


The Ministry of Defense WPS Promotion Plan

On 2 April 2024, the third meeting of the Headquarters for WPS Promotion in MOD was convened by the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense Matsumoto and based on previous discussions at the Headquarters, the MOD adopted a WPS Promotion Plan for the first time.

The MOD WPS Promotion Plan sets forth items, which is based on the third NAP for WPS (FY 2023-2028), to be implemented by FY 2028 in order to further promote WPS.

Based on the MOD WPS Promotion Plan, the MOD is strongly promoting WPS as a whole of Ministry effort, and contribute to protecting Japanese nationals as well as international peace and stability by conducting activities incorporating gender perspectives.

The Latest Activities

17-Dec-2024 Participation in ‘US-Japan Research Exchange’ of Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA
9-Dec-2024 WPS Seminar in Japan – Papua New Guinea Capacity Building Project on HA/DR

The Headquarters for WPS Promotion in Ministry of Defense

2-Apr-2024 3rd meeting of the HQ for WPS Promotion in MOD
19-Jan-2024 2nd meeting of the HQ for WPS Promotion in MOD
8-Aug-2023 1st meeting of the HQ for WPS Promotion in MOD

WPS Promotion Activities

3-Dec-2024 Participation in the 9th ASEAN Peacekeeping Centre Network and Gender Focal Point Workshop
17-Nov-2024 WPS Seminar in Japan - Malaysia and Japan - Indonesia Capacity Building Project on HA/DR
25-Oct-2024 1st WPS Seminar for SDF Gender Advisors and WPS person in charge
23-Oct-2024 Japan/UK/US co-hosting event on “Practical Ways of Implementing WPS Into Military Institutions”
22-25 Oct 2024 1st Japan-ASEAN Women, Peace and Security Cooperation Project
15-Oct-2024 Online participation to the 2024 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Asian Conference
30-Sep-2024 Participation in the 1st NATO・Ministry of Defense・Partner Nations WPS Network Meeting
9-20 Sep 2024 Dispatch of students/faculty to U.S. Indo Pacific Command's Regional Military Gender Advisor Course 2024
13-Sep-2024 Participation in Indo-Pacific Defense WPS Steering Committee (U.S.)
2-Sep-2024 WPS Forum in Japan - Philippines Capacity Building Project on HA/DR
11-Jul-2024 WPS dialogue with experts on Disaster Risk Reduction (Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA Program)
9-Jul-2024 WPS Seminar in Japan - Mongolia Capacity Building Project on Military Medicine
9-29 Jun 2024 WPS Seminar in 6th Japan - ASEAN and Timor-Leste Ship Rider Cooperation Program and 2nd Japan - Pacific Island Countries Ship Rider Cooperation Program
3-4 Jun 2024 Participation in Key Leader Seminar hosted at Nordic Military Operation Gender Centre (Sweden)
31-May-2024 Meeting with Ms. Irene Fellin, Special Representative of the NATO Secretary-General for WPS
26-29 May 2024 Meeting and WPS dialogue with defense officials of Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia)
6-8 May 2024 Panelist participation in the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives Annual Conference(Belgium)
4-Apr-2024 Meeting with U.S. Ambassador-at-Large Office of Global Women's Issues and a member of the U.S. WPS Congressional Caucus
13-14 Mar 2024 1st WPS seminar for the MOD senior officials
8-Mar-2024 International Women’s Day Special Event in Japan-Philippines Capcity Buidling Project on HA/DR
26-Feb-2024 WPS Seminar in Japan - Fiji Capacity Building Project on Military Medicine
19-Dec-2023 WPS Seminar in Japan - Laos Capacity Building Project on HA/DR(Search and Rescue, and Military Medicine)(Lao PDR)
18-Dec-2023 Meeting with General Van Ovost, U.S. Transportation Command
13-Dec-2023 Panelist participation in the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council (GEAC) World Assembly for Women (WAW!) Follow-up event
5-Dec-2023 4th WPS Seminar in the framework of the ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations
24-Nov-2023 Provision of a lecture on WPS iniatives of JMOD at WPS Workshop hosted by the Waseda University
20-Nov-2023 WPS Seminar in Japan - Cambodia Capacity Building Project on PKO (Civil Engineering) (Cambodia)
16-Nov-2023 Adoption of the Joint Statement on WPS at the 10th ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting Plus
Defense Minister Kihara’s Participation in the 8th ASEAN-Japan Defence Ministers’ Informal Meeting
13-Nov-2023 WPS Seminar in Japan - Malaysia Capacity Building Project on HA/DR
31-Oct-2023 WPS Seminar in Japan - Mongolia Capacity Building Project on Military Medicine
25-Oct-2023 WPS Seminar in Japan - Indonesia Capacity building Project on HA/DR (Indonesia)
23-Oct-2023 WPS Seminar in Japan-Philippines Capacity Building Project on HA/DR (Philippines)
3-5 Oct 2023 Participation in the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives Annual Conference(Belgium)
6-22 Sep 2023 WPS in the culminating event of the ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations(Vietnam)
6-Sep-2023 WPS Workshop in Exercise Bushido-Guardian, Japan-Australia Joint Exercise
13-18 Aug 2023 Dispatch of an instructor to Multinational Peacekeeping Exercise Keris Aman 2023 (Malaysia)
25-Jul-2023 WPS dialogue with experts (Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA Program)
12-Jun-2023 Appointment of Director for International Cooperation on Women, Peace and Security