Overview of 1st EWG on Maritime Security

【Left】 Keynote Speech
From the left, Vice Commander, Philippine Navy (Philippine Co-Chair), Assistant Secretary for Strategic Assessment and International Affairs, Department of National Defense of the Philippines (Keynote Speaker), and Director for Defense Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific Region, JMOD (Japanese Co-Chair)
【Middle】 Meeting
【Right】 Presentation from the Japanese participant

Overview of 1st EWG on Maritime Security


6-7 November, 2024


  • Succeeding the initiative by former Co-Chairs, Thailand and the United States, the Meeting exchanged views on climate change and marine environmental protection by introducing each country’s actions and programs related to the topic. The meeting deepened participants’ understanding on how climate change and marine environmental protection affect security landscape.
  • The Meeting exchanged views on future direction of cooperation and Co-Chairs expressed commitment to continuing to promote practical cooperation in EWG on Maritime Security.