(Press Release)
July 28, 2024
Ministry of Defense
On Sunday, July 28, 2024, Minister of Defense Kihara held a meeting with Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense Shin Won-sik, who is visiting Japan.
The two Ministers shared the recognition that Japan-ROK and Japan-ROK-U.S. defense cooperation is becoming increasingly important as the security environment surrounding both countries becomes more severe.
In addition, the two Ministers exchanged views on Japan-ROK defense cooperation and exchanges, and welcomed the resumption of Japan-ROK Defense Bilateral Talks and the high-level exchange between Japan Self-Defense Forces and ROK Armed Forces in July, which was concurred at the Japan-ROK Defense Ministers’ Meeting on June 1.
Furthermore, the two Ministers concurred to coordinate the following items and jointly prepare an annual exchange plan in order to activate Japan-ROK defense cooperation and exchanges.
- Activate mutual visits by Defense Ministers
- Resume mutual visits by Chiefs of Staff
- Resume Staff Talks between each service
- Activate unit to unit exchanges including search and rescue exercises (SAREX)