Japan-ROK Defense Ministers’ Meeting

(Press Release)

July 28, 2024
Ministry of Defense

In Japanese

On Sunday, July 28, 2024, Minister of Defense Kihara held a meeting with Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense Shin Won-sik, who is visiting Japan.

The two Ministers shared the recognition that Japan-ROK and Japan-ROK-U.S. defense cooperation is becoming increasingly important as the security environment surrounding both countries becomes more severe.

In addition, the two Ministers exchanged views on Japan-ROK defense cooperation and exchanges, and welcomed the resumption of Japan-ROK Defense Bilateral Talks and the high-level exchange between Japan Self-Defense Forces and ROK Armed Forces in July, which was concurred at the Japan-ROK Defense Ministers’ Meeting on June 1.

Furthermore, the two Ministers concurred to coordinate the following items and jointly prepare an annual exchange plan in order to activate Japan-ROK defense cooperation and exchanges.

  1. Activate mutual visits by Defense Ministers
  2. Resume mutual visits by Chiefs of Staff
  3. Resume Staff Talks between each service
  4. Activate unit to unit exchanges including search and rescue exercises (SAREX) 

Japan-ROK Defense Ministers’ Meeting (PDF)