May 24, 2019
Japan Ministry of Defense
1. Canada has decided to engage in monitoring and surveillance activities for the third time since last year by aircraft against illicit maritime activities, including ship-to-ship transfers with North Korean-flagged vessels prohibited by UNSCRs, based in Kadena Air Base subject to UN SOFA, from the beginning of June. In addition to that, Royal Canadian Navy frigate REGINA and Naval Replenishment Unit ASTÉRIX will engage in monitoring and surveillance activities for the second time as Royal Canadian Navy vessel, since last year in waters surrounding Japan including the East China Sea from the middle of June.
2. Japan welcomes these activities from the viewpoint of ensuring effective implementation of the relevant UNSCRs while maintaining the solidarity of international community for the realization of North Korea’s dismantlement of all WMD and ballistic missiles of all ranges in a complete, verifiable, and irreversible manner.
3. The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force is also conducting information gathering activities for vessels suspected to be in the violation of UNSCRs, and Japan will work closely with related countries. [Reference] Monitoring and surveillance activities of partner countries.
(1) Patrol Aircraft Partner countries, in addition to the U.S., have engaged in monitoring and surveillance activities based in Kadena Air Base by aircraft.
・Australia (from the end of April 2018 for a month, from the middle of September 2018 for a month and a half, from the beginning of December 2018 for a week, from the beginning of May 2019)
・Canada (from the end of April 2018 for a month, from the middle of September 2018 for a month and a half)
・New Zealand (from the middle of September 2018 for a month and a half) France (from the middle of March 2019 for three weeks)
(2) Naval vessels Naval vessels of partner countries have engaged in monitoring and surveillance activities in waters surrounding Japan including the East China Sea.
・the U.S. :multiple naval vessels
・the U.K. :British Royal Navy Frigate SUTHERLAND(the middle of May 2018)
British Royal Navy Flagship ALBION (from the middle of May to the beginning of June 2018)
British Royal Navy Frigate ARGYLL(the middle of December 2018 and the beginning of January 2019)
British Royal Navy Frigate MONTROSE (from the end of February to the beginning of March 2019)
・Canada :Royal Canadian Navy frigate CALGARY (the beginning and the end of October 2018)
Royal Canadian Navy frigate REGINA (from the middle of June 2019)
Naval Replenishment Unit ASTÉRIX (from the beginning to the end of October 2018,from the middle of June 2019)
・ Australia :Royal Australian Navy frigate MELBOURNE (the beginning of October 2018 and the beginning of May 2019)
・France :French Navy frigate Vendémiaire (spring in 2019)

(Source: Ministry of National Defence of Canada)

(Source: Ministry of National Defence of Canada)