FY 2014 Capacity Building Assistance Program to Mongolia (Provision of engineering training in Japan)Mongolia

Outline of Program

Period23 February-20 March, 2015
Attendees4 commissioned officers and a non-commissioned officer from an army engineer unit of Mongolian Army
LocationJGSDF Engineer School (Hitachinaka-city)
Total amount of time for educationApprox. 119 hours

Program Introduction

The Ministry of Defense invited 5 trainees from an army engineering unit from the Mongolian Army to participate in the JGSDF Engineer School. During the program, they attended a part of executive civil engineering course at JGSDF Engineer School.

The education this time focused on education in the areas of construction planning and management, as well as workload estimation in road construction. The month-long training program has become the longest invitation program of the Capacity Building Assistance Program.

The trainees dealt with the challenging course schedule as well as getting used to the classes, lifestyle and food in Japan. Eventually, they completed their first training by being able to make plans and workload estimations in road construction independently.

The trainees will make the best use of their training, and will have the opportunity to develop their skills even further, at the advanced training program in Mongolia in 2016.


Visit to classroom by Major General Kose, the commandant of JGSDF Engineer School

Courtesy call to Mr. Katsuta, the chairman of Association for Cooperation with SDF and Mayor of Hitachinaka city

Trainees eagerly and repeatedly asked questions on computational problems of soil mechanics

During practical surveying, trainees practiced using the equipment

Using equipment, trainees judged vehicle passability. They enthusiastically learned how to use the new equipment.

Learning about the penetration test necessary for road design and choice of materials.

Soil specimen analysis training

Trainees ate at Mess hall in JGSDF Camp Katsuta

Trainee testing

Closing ceremony