in Japanese
5 December 2023
Hybrid (hosted by Japan)
Agenda:Report and conclusion of the activities during the 4th cycle, Handover to next co-chairs
- The co-chairs summarized activities conducted during the 4th cycle of the PKO-EWG. The meeting affirmed the achievements in raising awareness and deepening understanding among member states on related topics such as WPS and Action for Peace (A4P) and A4P+, which contributed to enhancing deployment capabilities and improving the quality of pre-deployment training.
- The meeting conducted a comprehensive After-Action Review (AAR) on the Competency Evaluation Program for Prospective UN Peacekeepers (CEPPP) conducted in September 2023, based on survey and inputs from member states’ participants and Subject Matter Experts. The co-chairs confirmed that the CEPPP successfully achieved its aims by practicing effective coordination among prospective UN peacekeepers of three cohorts of UN Military Observers, engineers, and medical personnel as well as with civilian components in a PKO Mission and humanitarian actors in the field.
- Handover to Brunei and China, as co-chairs of the PKO-EWG in the next cycle was completed.
4th WPS Seminar
Agenda: Conflict-related Sexual Violence (CRSV) and effective civil-military coordination in UN PKO
- Experts in charge of CRSV in three multi-dimensional UN PKO missions* and a former Military Gender Adviser of UNMISS introduced their roles and responsibilities, and shared their insights on how civilian and military components within a PKO mission can work together better to effectively address CRSV.
- The experts deepened participants from member states’ understanding of the latest CRSV situation and inspired participants to further work towards the promotion of WPS in respective countries and organizations.
* The United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS), the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), and the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).
WPS(Women, Peace and Security):
In 2000, a landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on WPS (Women, Peace and Security), which stated that women’s equal participation, protection from sexual violence during the conflicts, and gender equality are necessary for international peace, conflict prevention, and conflict resolution, was adopted.