1954~1985Showa Era
Establishment of Joint Staff Council(JSC) and Joint Staff Office(JS) at Etchujima. JS consisted of 4 sections.
JSC moved to the Kasumiga-seki.
JSC moved to the Hinoki-cho.
Reorganization from 4 offices to 5 Offices in JSC.
Establishment of JointStaffCollege in JSC.
Establishment of "Budget and Accounting Office" in the J-1.
Establishment of "Operation Analysis Office" in the J-5.
Establishment of "Research Office" in JointStaffCollege.
1989~2018Heisei Era
Establishment of "Future Logistics section" and "Logistic Control and Coordination section" in the J-4.
Establishment of "Arms Control section" in the J-5.
Establishment of "Communication and Electronics section" in the J-3.
JointStaffCollege moved to Meguro area.
Establishment of "Logistic Support Research section" in the J-4.
Establishment of Defense Intelligence Headquarters(DIH) in JSC.(The J-2 was abolished.)
Partially reorganization of the J-3. (Arrangement of "Fiscal year section" and "Command coordination section". Establisement of "The 1st operation section" and "The 2nd operationsection".)
JSC moved to the Ichigaya building.
Establishment of "Directorate for Current and Crisis Intelligence"in DIH. Abolishment of "Technology Official".
Establishment of "Public Affairs section" and "Foreign Liaison section" in the J-1. Establishment of "Foreign Plams and Policy section" in the J-5.
Establishment of "Defense Information Infrastructure Management Office" in the J-3.
Establishment of "Common Operating Environment Management Office" in the J-3. Establishment of "Senior Duputy Director,J-5" and "Joint Operations Planning Office" in the J-5. Establishment of "Graphics and Geography Department" in DIH.
Reorganization from JSC to the Joint Staff.
The transition of Defense Agency to Ministry of Defense.
System Integration and Interoperability Section was newly established in Defense Plans and Programing Division, Defense Plans and Policy Department
“Operation Management Center in Central Command Post” in C4 Systems Operation Division, C4 Systems Department“Defense Information Infrastructure Operation Office” and “Cyber Defense and Security Section” were repealed.Joint Command Unit“Japan Self Defense Force C4 Systems Command ”was newly established.
“Counter Intelligence Office” was newly established in 1st Operations Division, Operations Department.“Japan Peacekeeping Training and Research Center(JPC)” was newly established in Joint Staff College.
“C4 Systems Procurement Section” was newly established in C4 Systems Planning Division, C4 Systems Department.
“Divisional Operation Coordination Director” was newly established in 2nd Operation Division, Operation Department.
“Deputy Director, C4 Systems Planning Division(Cyber Defense)” was newly established in C4 Systems Planning Division, C4 Systems Department.
“Secretariat Office” was newly established in Administration Division, General Affairs Department.
“Master Chief Petty Officer” was newly established.
“Deputy Director Operations Department” and “General Affairs Coordination Official” was newly established.“Personnel and Education Division”in General Affairs Department, were repealed.“Research Office” in Joint Staff College was repealed and “Education and Research Office” was newly established.
“Deputy Director General, Defense Plans and Policy Department,”“Deputy Director, Administration Division” in General Affairs Department, and “3rd Operation Division” in Operation Department were newly established.“Deputy Director, Administration Office” was newly established in Deputy Director, Administration Division, General Affairs Department, which was transferred from “Personnel Office” and “International Humanitarian Affairs Office” from General Affairs Division, General Affairs Department.The name “Personnel Office” was changed to “Joint Personnel Management Office.”“Training and Exercise Section” and “Exercise Evaluation and Support Section” in 2nd Operation Division, Operation Department were transferred to 3rd Operation Division, Operation Department.“Deputy Director, Administration Division”in Administration Division, “Deputy Director(Operation), 1st Operations Division”in 1st Operation Division, and “Deputy DirectorTraining(Training), 1st Operations Division” in 2nd Operation Division were repealed.“Deputy Director, 1st Operations Division(Operations Plans)”and “Deputy Director, 1st Operations Division(Defense Operations)” in 1st Operation Division, and “Deputy Director, 2nd Operations Division(Disaster Relief)”in 2nd Operation Division were newly established.“Planning Section” in Defense Plans and Programs Division, DDefense Plans and Policy Department was repealed, and “Joint Military Strategy Office” was newly established.“Cyber Plan Coordination Division” was repealed, and “Office of Cyber Defense”was newly established in C4 Systems Planning Division, C4 Systems Department.“C4 Systems Research Section”and “Joint Communication Systems Section”were repealed, and “Joint Communication Systems Research Section”was newly established “Information Assurance Section”was repealed, and “C4 Systems Security Section” was newly established in C4 Systems Operation Division.“Cyber Defense Group” was newly established in Japan Self Defense Force C4 Systems Command.“Security Assessment Group”was repealed.“Amphibious Office”was newly established in Defense Plans and Policy Department.
“Administrative Vice Chief of Staff”and “Joint Staff Councilor” were founded.“Deputy Director, Administration Division”in General Affairs Department was repealed.
“Deputy Director, Administration Division,” “Education Section,” “Joint Personnel Management Office,” and “International Humanitarian Affairs Office” in Administration Division, General Affairs Department were repealed.“Personnel and Education Division” was newly established in General Affairs Department, and “Human Resources Development Section,” “Assignment Section,” “Personnel Planning and Welfare Office,” and “Personnel and Education Systems Office” were established.“C4 System Procurement Section” in C4 Systems Planning Division, C4 Systems Department was repealed, and “C4 Systems Programs Office” was newly established.“Common Operating Environment Management Office” in C4 Systems Operation Division, C4 Systems Department was repealed, and “C4 Systems Maintenance Section” was newly established.