
October 21, 2014
Annual Meeting with Former Commandants

On October 21st, the FY2014 meeting with former commandants was held at the Joint Staff College, with the pleasure of the companies by Retired General Takahashi, the 22nd Commandant (the first class of the National Defense Academy), and 8 other former commandants.

 The purpose of the meeting is to obtain an understanding from former commandants by explaining the current situation of college duties, while asking their opinions to help us with the future college management. We had the 8th meeting this year.

 The present Commandant Takahashi provided a command brief in a conference room, and a familiar talk followed in the Commandant’s room.

 The meeting turned out very meaningful as we could receive many valuable opinions related to college duties from former commandants.


Former commandants and Commandant Takahashi (in uniform)

説明 懇談

Former commandants receiving a command brief

Familiar talk with former commandants

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