JDF2024 No170web

For inquiries, contact the following office:Public Affairs Division, Ministry of Defense, Japan TEL:+81-3-3268-3111 (switch board) Web:https://www.mod.go.jp/en/jdf/Scan this QR code to go to our website.https://www.mod.go.jp/en/Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) set up a booth with the 14 Japanese companies at Singapore Airshow 2024 from February 20 to 23, which is one of the largest airshows in Asia held in Changi Exhibition Centre. During the Airshow, Senior Adviser to the Minister of Defense Takami shared the strength and high capabilities of Japanese prod-ucts and technology to the attendees together with the Japanese companies. Senior Advisor Takami also discussed defense equipment and technology cooperation with several dele-gates including Singapore’s Senior Minister of State for Defence, Mr. Heng Chee How. ATLA will continue promoting the defense equipment and technology cooperation with other countries in the joint public and private efforts.The JMOD and the Australian Department of Defence launched the joint research proj-ect on the Robotic and Autonomous System for Undersea Warfare (RASUW) on January 23. Japan and Australia aim to establish un-derwater acoustic communication technolo-gy for future collaboration between under-water unmanned vehicles of two countries.X(Twitter):Modjapan_enFacebook:mod.japnInstagram:modjapanATLA Exhibits at Singapore AirshowATLA Exhibits at Singapore AirshowJapan and Australia Sign Agreement Japan and Australia Sign Agreement for Undersea Warfarefor Undersea Warfare

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