
4©Royal Canadian Navy©U.S. Air Force+@M/NThe JMSDF, the JASDF, and the U.S. Air Force conducted a bilat-eral search and rescue training “Rescue Flag Okinawa” in the sea and airspace near Yonaguni Island, Miyako Island and Okinawa Island from October 23 to 27. The JMSDF and JASDF strength-ened tactical capabilities and interoperability between them and the U.S. Air Force. The JSDF will contribute to ensuring the safety of Japan and further enhance deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-U.S. Alliance.The JMSDF conducted a multilateral exercise “Noble Caribou” with the U.S. Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Canadian Navy, and the Royal New Zealand Navy on October 23 in the South China Sea. This is the first time the JMSDF carries out an exercise with this four navies together. The JMSDF continues to strengthen cooperation with participating navies for realizing a Free and Open Indo-Pacific.+%'Rescue Flag OkinawaNoble Caribou

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