@Close-up member i11/10/2008j

SSgt. Satoshi Noda
@Maintenance Squadron

‚pFWhat is the different point of maintenance in Japan?

‚`FIt is not a small problem that high temperature as 50 degrees and particles of sand influence our aircraft. Especially, it is very important to keep smooth of each part. But if I use too much dope, sand adhere to the dope. So, I have to control quantities of dope. Furthermore, we have only limited instruments, but we have to keep our aircraft to accomplish mission.
@Staff Sergeant Noda has worked as a member of the maintenance squadron. This is his second time for him to be deployed to Kuwait.

‚pFWhat did you feel when you were headr to be deployed to the IRSAW?

Honestly, I did not feel anything fearful especially this time though it might be because it is the second time for me. But Ifve remembered that I worried a little when my first deployment was decided. However, the worries were not about safety in Kuwait and the like but how to work at the different environment. Besides, my own consciousness of working abroad might had increased such my worries. But I have also had a bigger hope than worries.
‚pFPlease tell us what you would like to achieve?

‚`FI guess I should not be satisfied with these two times experiences of the IRSAW. These experiences are just passing point of life for me. And I would like to participate in various activities more and more.
‚pFDo you have anything you have taken care of when you work?

‚`FTo always keep aircraft the best condition is our duty, so maintenance in Kuwait is not different with what we do in Japan. The biggest difference point is environment. Especially, the temperature is really high and dry so that we cannot remind swearing in the summer, so we have to sufficiently take water regularly.